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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  August 19, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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welcome to "world news." tonight, breaking news out of control, thousands evacuated this hour, parts of the northwest on high alert as a new wildfire races toward neighborhoods. we hear from inside the fire zone tonight. an abc news exclusive, a new insider attack in afghanistan. a man in an afghan police uniform turning on an american serviceman as our team on ground take us inside the new danger, a u.s. captain in a room full of angry afghans. >> your voice, your vote, "world news" listening to the undecideds, voters who could decide this election, under 80 days to go, what are they still waiting to hear? are you as fraus traited as they are? wish granted, a simple wish, one year later tonight, her mother's journey halfway around the world. what she was about to discover.
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good evening on this sunday night. we do begin with a developing story in the american west tonight. this time a new wildfire moving so quickly the warnings to evacuate were very sudden. thousands of families in parts of northern california are right now on the move because of flames racing toward their mes. the evacuation orders issued just late today. tonight there are 41 major wildfires raging across eight western states. this is the worst fire season in at least ten years. more than 10,000 square miles have burned so far this year and at this hour the focus is on that newest threat north of sacramento. here is abc meteorologist ginger zee now. >> reporter: the inferno out west refused to let up. so far, at least 6.5 million acres have already been lost across the nation. this is more than all of last year. in northern california tonight, thousands of evacuations are under way. the fire truly wild and running
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rampant. officials saying it is completely uncontained. now threatening at least 3500 homes. chelsea kay of our affiliate in redding krcr is on the ground. >> reporter: very chaotic, people wondering what is going on, if the pets they had to leave behind are okay. people wanting information, don't have anywhere else to go. >> reporter: his home is gone and he almost lost his life. while evacuating on an atv the wildfire caught up and singed his arm. >> every time, on all sides of you. >> reporter: in idaho, more than 1,000 firefighters are battling to save the scenic town of sutherville, that fire has already chewed away at more than 88,000 acres, at least 350 homes evacuated there, families scrambling to pack up their lives and move out. >> everybody is afraid, their nerves are shot. >> reporter: the biggest problem, smoke. thick clouds have taken visibility down to less than ten feet in some spots, slowing
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firefighters. in washington, firefighters are finally getting a handle on the flames there, even though some worry the weather could whip it up again. >> we have potential for dry lightning. ee rat ig winds. >> reporter: some returning home to find little left. >> like a death in the family. >> this was so sudden when we heard of this latest filed wire today and you got the latest forecast tonight. >> warnings up in the last few hours. watch this, specific northwest, an area a lot of places haven't seen rain in more than a month. that is playing into this and the yellow and red there are areas that need to be careful into the beginning of the week. >> you'll be watching this. meantime the story we led with last night, pictures tells story coming in this evening about the west nile virus, had to cancel spraying in dallas and this is why. flooding caused by the system, has that moved through, will they spray tonight? it. >> has. a few random showers and storms move south of the area now and we're going to see really good
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spraying weather tonight and monday and tuesday as well. >> not just dallas, now more than o 40 states dealing with the west nile virus. ginger, thank you. >>. >> we'll move on to the race for president and it's your voice, your vote and countdown on. election day just 79 days away and this evening here one week to go to the republican national con krengs. look at the time lapse video, you see they are getting ready in tampa, transforming the stadium, into the convention hall from the romney/ryan ticket will be nominated and among the voters they hope to convince, undecideds, small yet powerful who could make a difference. first, the campaign trail and with the clock ticking we ask tonight for the romney/ryan tick ticket, this debate about medicare really what they want to be talking did >> bill:? here is david kerley. >> reporter: republican sours tell abc news that as of tonight, they're planning to open up convention in tampa with mitt romney's partner, his wife, ann romney, who has been take
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the mike more often. >> we're not going to take it any more. we're take the white house back. >> reporter: ann romney was with her husband this sunday as they attended church in new hampshire. the current resident of the white house walked to church with his family. while they were all praying, their surrogates were talking about one thing -- >> medicare. >> medicare. >> medicare. >> reporter: why so much chatter about medicare before the convention? because for the first time in a long time, republicans have a hammer. the president's plan to use $700 billion from medicare to help pay for health care reform. there was ryan with his mom in front of florida seniors zplf medicare should not be used as a piggy bank for obama care. medicare should be the promise that is made to our current seniors period, end of story. >> reporter: many democrats and even some republicans have questioned this strategy. why constraint on medicare? the president seems to have an answer. >> i questions about they figure the best defense is to try to go on offense.
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>> reporter: they do. and romney's top spokesman thinks it's working. >> this is the first election cycle i can remember in a long time where democrats are on the defensive because of medicare. >> reporter: going on offense, attempting to neutral concerns about paul ryan all before the convention now a little more than a week away. >> they want to go on tampa on their toes and to pivot from the offense on to the broader argument, refrnd um on president obama's handling of the economy. >> reporter: romney's week before the convention including a cam taken stop in new orleans. the president is on the trail as well, two battleground states midweek, ohio and nevada and david, expect to hear that one word again, medicare, this coming week. >> we'll be on the trail with both sides. david kerley, thank you. as i mentioned, undecided ins country, americans who have yet to make up their minds, smaller group than ever and perhaps more powerful, too, with polling showing the race in a dead heat, people who haven't made up their mind represent about 6% of the
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voters. which means they could make all of the difference come november. along way here we'll hear from them on "world news," what do they still need to hear? you are the undecideds. meet patrick and taylor of ohio, husband and wife, children at home and for patrick -- what are you still waiting to hear? >> i'm sick of hearing all of the attacks, for me, fiscal cliff is very startling to me and very scary. and i want to hear definite ways of how they'll fix it now. >> reporter: the paul ryan pick does it help you make up your mind? >> it does. it does. to be honest with you, i need to learn more about his plan but i like to hear he has a plan. >> reporter: his wife works in health care and she's unsure of talk about changing medicare and repealing the president's health care law before the country can see what it can actual dloi for americans. will the two of us vote for the same person sth. >> well, in past we've both voted the same way but if he wants to go way and i go the
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other it's his opinion and it's my opinion. >> reporter: and amy turner, also concerned about mitt romney and paul ryan's talk of changing medicare, even with their promise that it won't affect anyone 55 and older. medicare concerns you? >> yes. >> reporter: what concerns you the most about it? >> well, i'm not old enough for medicare yet but i'm getting there, it will be another year and i will be eligible. the way medicare has worked for others, i have talked to, he needs to leave it alone. >> reporter: dak is undecided with you this landscaper, husband, father of two does like the tough talk he is hearing so far from the romney/ryan ticket. what do you want to hear? >> i want to hear the truth, even how painful it is and hear we're getting better and somebody with a plan to do that and not waste money on strainous things we don't need right fou. >> from the undecided for the race for president. if you're one send us a note on twitter, send me a message on facebook. we'll check with you through november.
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we moven to consumer alert, general motor and isuzu reca recalling 250,000 suvs because of a short circuit, including trail brazer from 2006 and tweven, chemicals that clear roads ice can get inside the door and short circuit switches controlling power windows and door locks. 28 fires but no known injuries. if you want to learn more, go to another issue facing every driver just about every family in america, gas prices and another spike in the price of gas. new numbers out tonight. a gallon of regular today we learned averaging $3.72 a gallon. up cents in a week. 27 cents in a month. h how high will prices go? there are signs tonight we might just be nearing a peak before leaf in september. we can only hope. here is ron claiborne. >> reporter: if you think today's gas prices are high, just wait until tomorrow. >> i don't think we're driving as much and doing as much. >> reporter: some states are seeing record spikes in the
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price at the pump. in california, an average of $4.10 a gallon. up 27 cents in just two weeks. in oregon, the price of a gallon, up 29 krcents. it is peak summer driving season when high demand normally pushes up gas prices but that alone doesn't account for what is happening, add to the mix refinery problems and aging pipe lines breaking down. high ethanol prices because of the drought and tensions in the middle east. >> we've seen different disrupti disruptions, west coast, great lakes, but even if you're not living in the great lakes or west coast you're still seeing rising gasoline prices. >> reporter: with one eye on the gas pump and other on political calendar, the obama administration says the option of a release of oil from the nation's strategic reserve is on the table. so, what can you do to soften the blow of skyrocketing gas prices other than driving slower or driving less? not much right now. but things should get better soon.
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experts say gas prices are expected to peak another two or three weeks and start coming down because in midseptember production begins to switch over from higher summer gas blend to the lower price winter blend and then the political equation involving keeping prices down. >> always. ron claiborne with us after "good morning america" this weekend, thank you. overseas now to afghanistan and another alarming headline tonight. a man in an afghan police uniform shot dead one member of the u.s. military and injured another. the late nest a surge of so-called insider attacks. ten u.s. troops now have been killed by afghan security forces in just the two weeks. tonight here at abc news, we're on the ground in afghan with u.s. troops there with a firsthand look at the new danger as one u.s. captain works a room of angry afghans. here >> reporter: sweat for a region so remote, so dangerous that just last month we were ambushed here by the taliban.
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what you hear -- that's the afghan army, leading this fight and returning the fire. but increasingly biggest threat is no longer on the battlefield with yet another afghan policeman turning his weapon on u.s. forces today and ten u.s. troops dead in the last two weeks, afghans seem to be less friend than foe. >> talk to me any time you need to. >> reporter: a growing danger at bases like this where americans and afghans live side by side. we're on our way to meet the afghan commander of the this base, many of his troops just left this morning on a dangerous mission and he's given us permission to tape a private briefing to update us on how the mission is going. inside the afghan commander is furious. his soldiers haven't returned and he doesn't know where they are. captain marcus morgan is left to face that anger all alone. the only american in the room filled with afghans who are armed. this is how most insider attacks take place with american troops completely vulnerable.
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what's it like walking into a room like that as the only american? >> as you develop personal relationships and work with the afghan counterparts on routine basis you learn individual personalities and it becomes a much more comfortable situation. >> reporter: that comfort is now shattered and the rules have changed. u.s. troops have been ordered to carry loaded weapons with them at all times. a reminder that the taliban aren't just on the battlefield, they could also be in the same room. muhammad lila, abc news. >> a bold message from the u.s. from the man expose aid trove of american military and diplomatic see creates lease thousands and thousand of classified documents on line. julian assange came out of hiding appears on balcony of a foreign embassy. what did he say? abc news' lama hasan is in lond tonight. >> reporter: breaks his silence for the first time in two months. >> i'm here today because i
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cannot be there with you today. >> reporter: julian assange spoke from the balcony of the ecuadorian embassy where he sought asylum from extradition. >> thank you for your resolve, your jen rossive spirit. >> reporter: nay ten-minute speech the wikileaks founder thank ec wa -- ecuador's presid for asylum and then he talked about the united states. >> i asked president to do the right thing. the united states must renounce its witch-hunt against wikileaks. >> reporter: and then a message about bradley manning, the u.s. soldier accused of leaking classified documents to asong's organization. >> if bradley manning did as he is accused, he is a hero. >> reporter: assange made no mention of the sex crimes allegation. something he's always denied.
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even though he has diplomatic immunity in the embassy british authorities say they'll arrest him if he tries leave as one official put it, i assange can hide but he can't run. >> lama, thank you. still ahead on "world news" this sunday night, how do you get a warship more than two centuries old on the water again? that is exactly what they did in boston today. how did they pull it off? the incredible journey tonight. so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. but we can't predict our shipping costs. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes.
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go long. take a look at the uss constitution, old ironsides, actually setting sail in boston harbor today, navy ship, of course, that gave america one of its legendary victories. what did it take to get old ironsides working like new gain? here is john slichriffe next. >> reporter: for only the second time in 113 years, the u.s.s. constitution set sail under her own power. the world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat was tugged from boston harbor towards open water, watched by thousands the onshore and aboard pleasure craft. some 200 sailors helped unfurl the ships four huge sails before releasing the tugboat for the brief sail. the winds had to be perfect -- at least five miles per hour but less than 15 so that the hull would not be stressed too much. the commander has been working with his crew for a year and a
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half, focusing on the historic sails. >> the ship's in remarkable condition. i mean, obviously, she's almost 215 years old, so you don't take anything lightly. >> reporter: what makes the constitution's voyage even more remarkabable is the fact that he in nework city, the peking, which is a similar style ship, is 100 years younger and can no longer sail because it's in such bad condition. tourists aren't even allowed on board. the sail today commemorates the 200th anniversary of the constitution's victory over the british frigate, the h.m.s. guerriere during the war of 1812. it's where the ship got its famous nickname when an 18-pound cannonball bounced ostd stirredy wooden sides causing a surprised sailor to shout -- >> "huzzah! her sides are made of iron!" >> reporter: after her 10-minute cruise, old ironsides was tugged back to her berth in boston where officials hope tourists can enjoy her for another 100 years. john schriffen, abc news, new york. >> what a beautiful shot on a sunday night. when we come back, look at
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the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. and finally tonight here, a new chapter in rachel's story, 9-year-old who had a simple birthday wish and tonight here the mother who witnessed that wish come true. on this world humanitarian day the young humanitarian who would be proud. we reported on that one wish rachel had for her ninth birthday, like so many little girls she loved taylor swift, had a crush on justin bieber but she wasn't asking for any grist gifts. instead she was asking her parents and grandparent for donations. >> she wanted to help 15 people get clean water. >> reporter: her simple wish to get clean drinking water to
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people who don't have it. other goal to help 15 people. she would have to raise $300. she almost got there, raising 220, telling her mother she would try hard e next year, but weeks after she turned 9 rachel was killed in a car accident. her father, at a immunity memorial. >> she was a very unique girl. her heart was bigger than this room. >> reporter: soon, the country would learn of that heart. her story spreading coast to coast. that little girl turning 9 and that simple wish. soon after, more than 22,000 people had given hundreds of thousand of dollars, her mother telling us at the time of a dream come true in honor of her daughter. >> she wanted to help all these people. and now she helped them more than she could ever imagine. >> reporter: would raise thatten and send it to northern eating oepia, countless villages desperate for clean water. on the one year anniversary of rachel's death her mother was invited to ethiopia to see what
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her daughter's one wish had accomplished. >> it's 6:00 in the morning, about go see some of rachel's well. >> reporter: the machinery digging the wells. rach rachel's grandfather there, too. >> i wish rachel could be here today because first of all, rachel would think this is the neatest thing she'd ever seen in her entire life. >> reporter: the faucets now running, those little wet hands, those giant smiles. >> i really appreciate everyone's love. i'm so happy that i could be here. >> reporter: 9-year-old rachel had just wanted to help 15 people. now 60,000 people in more than 100 villages will drink clean water. what a way to honor rachel beckwith. that is the prast. "good morning america" first thing in the morning, diane sawyer right here tomorrow night. good night. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol
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as part of a heart healthy diet. that'súurue. ...but you still have e go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios i'm barack now mitt romney's attacking the president on medicare? the nonpartisan a-a-r-p says obamacare "cracks down on medicare fraud, waste, and abuse and strengthens guaranteed benefits." and the ryan plan? a-a-r-p says it would undermine medicare and could lead to higher costs for seniors... and experts say ryan's voucher plan could raise future retirees costs more than six thousand dollars.


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